I did the "Learn Javascript" course with Scrimba

I did the "Learn Javascript" course with Scrimba

An honest review of the Coursera course - also I'm new to blogging, so you have been warned

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This course was very informative and super detailed. First of all, Scrimba's live interactive code editor was amazing! I have no idea how they were able to create it, but they did.

Scrimba founder, Per Borgen, then personally took us through an introduction to javascript, html and css while building a passenger counter app. So, if I'm ever tasked with counting the number of passengers entering a training, in the worst possible weather, I will be prepared. Thanks Per!

The course went into more detail in the second week, where we built a Black Jack Game, where random numbers were drawn from a deck of cards and reaching a sum of 21 meant blackjack - gamblers' talk for 'you won'. We were get[ing]Element[s]ById, querySelector[ing] and we even learned some basic mathematical functions from the Math library in javascript, like floor() for rounding down or random() for confusing my family even more when I try to explain this to them. Am I just a bad teacher? Well, I'm no Per Borgen.

Finally, our fearless leader showed us how to program a Leads Tracker Chrome Extension and we were able to use it in real-time; on real, actual Chrome. It was astonishing! We built the extension with an icon, which meant playing around a bit with the .json manifest file. We worked with live arrays on a website's actual global storage - maybe it's local storage, I'm new to this - and also with our own leads storage array, let myLeads = [].

Did you know that instead of getting html elements by their id-tags you could use the addEventListener() function, listen for a click from the required button and then write your code from there? Did you know you could also write your own functions in the script and call them when you need to? Well, did you? This was just the surface of all we learned. There was so much more on let vs const, the innerHtml tool and... well you'll have to try the course yourself to find out the rest.

Now the fourth week was... in all honesty this week was challenging for me. We were introduced to the firebase real-time database; this was really eye-opening. Unfortunately, this was in the beginning of the week's work and it was also where I got stuck. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to import the necessary functions from firebase's databases. This pretty much meant that the rest of my code couldn't run... period.

Overall, I thought Scrimba's course was really great! Especially as a beginner, I thought the instructors really took the time to explain all the details of the process. So, thank you Scrimba, I don't regret it and I would do it again!